Sept 21- 27th
Mon-- 8 mi
Wed-- 5 mi
Fri -- 20 miles
total- 33 miles
I skipped my short run on Sunday. I didn't feel like I had recovered enough from my 18 mile run 2 days before. Interestingly, my foot feels, for the most part, OK during my run, but hurts after. It then takes most of the week to get better, just in time for the next long run.
I survived the 20 mile run!! That is the last long run on my schedule. I will start tapering after this. I was certainly tired after the run, much more tired than after the 18 mile run. I am sure that is to be expected. When I first started this training, I would look at the 20 mile run and wonder if I would ever be able to do it. I would also think that after running 20 miles, 26.2 wouldn't be much different. Now that I am on this side of 20, they seem completely different! I mean, an extra 6.2 miles is another hour of running! I wonder if I should have chosen a training schedule that had a longer run in it. Woulda, coulda, shoulda...
My orthotics (finally!) came in. They hurt. Alot. It feels like walking around with a big rock in my shoe. I can barely walk in them, I can't imagine ever being able to run in them! I am going back to the podiatrist today to get them adjusted. If there is anyone more ready for this marathon to be behind me then my husband, it would be my podiatrist. At least he is getting paid to listen to my constant complaints of pain. Poor Pete is getting nothing out of it!
Your toes look lovely. I finally painted mine myself because I couldn't bear to bring my sorry ones to a salon.
I admire you for getting in your long runs. You amaze me! Hadn't thought of the fact that 6.2 more miles was another hour of running. As I see it, it's going to take a lot more than just adrenaline to push me through that last leg.
Easy does it on the last bit of training.
You will do great! By the time you get to 20-22 you are on autopilot anyway. :) The rest passes by in a blur. LOL!! I'm so proud of you! Not long now, a few days over 2 weeks. I can't wait to hear how you do! :) I'm still slower than you, and thankful that the 1/2 has lower mileage training ;) I did 9 miles today at 1 hr 26 min which is fast for me. lol. Not for you though! You Rock! Run on my friend, RUN ON!!!!!!!!
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